Stakeholder Engagement

The Concordia Financial Group communicates appropriately with all stakeholders - customers, local communities, employees, shareholders, and investors - in order to strengthen information disclosure. We also listen sincerely to the opinions and requests we receive and use them to improve our management and the Group works with our stakeholders to collaboratively create social and economic value in the region.

The Group strives to robustly disclose management information on its operations so that customers, shareholders, local communities and other stakeholders are able to make appropriate decisions when choosing to engage in transactions with the Group and to invest in its shares. We plan to further enhance the transparency of our operations as a financial group conducting business in a manner inspiring trust from our stakeholders. We disclose information in accordance with the appropriate procedures outlined in our disclosure policy.

Communication with shareholders and investors

We strive to disclose information in a manner that is easy to understand so that shareholders and investors can understand the Group's operations and financial conditions and make appropriate judgments about the soundness of its management. In addition, the Company places importance on opportunities for dialog with shareholders and institutional investors. We have established a policy for initiatives to promote constructive dialog and strive for proactive communication. In April 2022, we established a Corporate Communication Office in the Corporate Planning Department in order to strengthen disclosure of information, including nonfinancial information, and for dialog with shareholders and investors. In FY2022, we increased the frequency of financial results briefings for institutional investors from semi-annual to quarterly, and held an IR Day three times to explain the medium-term management plan, our solution business, human resource strategy, climate change initiatives, and governance, with the participation of the President and Representative Director, the director in charge of each strategy, and outside directors. Comments and requests received during these dialogues are reported to the Board of Directors and management in a timely and appropriate manner. In FY2022, at the July and December Board of Directors meetings, we reported the opinions we received through dialogue with shareholders and investors. In addition, the IR department provides feedback in the form of reports to the directors, Audit & Supervisory Board members, and executive officers on a weekly basis.

Main topics of dialogue and shareholder interests
  • Growth strategy based on solution business to improve ROE
  • Direction of Review of Securities Management Policies in the Wake of Rising Foreign Interest Rates
  • Appropriate capital levels and increase of shareholder returns
Items incorporated and their content based on dialogues and subsequent feedback
Investor Opinions
  • Establishing opportunities to exchange ideas with outside directors
  • In FY2022, outside directors participated in IR Days, the management strategy briefings that we held in April and February, and engaged in dialogues with investors on topics such as governance.