Promotion of Financial Digitalization(DX)

For our vision of being “a solution company rooted in communities and selected as a partner to walk together”, we will contribute to the sustainable development of local communities by delivering new experiences and value to local customers through financial and non-financial services using digital technology, and by supporting business growth by providing advanced digital solutions.

Digital Strategy

In the rapidly advancing digital society, all kinds of information is converted into data and connected, and people enjoy various conveniences by utilizing this data.
The Group will make the best use of this digital society and provide optimal proposals based on one-to-one communication with customers. In addition, we will create new customer experiences by improving customer convenience through the advancement of solution services and the promotion of cashless payments, will support digitalization, and will continue to develop human resources to provide these services.

Promotion Status of Digital Transformation

The Company and the Bank of Yokohama were certified as “DX Certified Business Operators” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in July 2022 as businesses that are ready to promote digital transformation.
The Company will formulate a group-wide digital strategy, as well as monitor and control subsidiaries that implement the various policies. In addition, our subsidiaries, the Bank of Yokohama and Higashi-Nippon Bank, are working to improve customer convenience and enhance communication through digital, non-face-to-face means.
As a result of these efforts, the Group’s DX Promotion Index has steadily improved to 2.3.

Initiatives by the Bank of Yokohama

Individual customers
  • Improving user friendliness of smartphone app
  • Improving the convenience of our branches
  • UI/UX improvement for Hamagin 365 One-to-one communication
  • Improvementofnon-face-to-face transactions and guidance for non-faceto-face transactions Expansion of self-service transactions
Corporate customers
  • Providing digitalization solution
  • Providing advanced non-face-to-face banking functions Expansion of communication opportunities Assistance by Digital Advisors

Initiatives by Higashi-Nippon Bank

Our Corporate Portal (Business Connect) was introduced in December 2022. In addition, we are also promoting the use of RPA to improve operational efficiency within the bank and are promoting internet banking (IB) to our customers.

Digital transformation of branch operations

Transition to next-generation branches

The Bank of Yokohama introduced “Semi-Self-Service Teller Machines” at 29 branches by March 31st, 2021, where customers can make deposits and withdrawals themselves using their cash cards with the assistance of Bank of Yokohama staff at “Quick Counter ATMs”. In order to further improve the efficiency of operations at branches and to increase convenience for customers, we will continue to move forward with the introduction of this teller window, as well as the transition to next-generation branches, including the establishment of TV teller windows and the upgrading of the “AGENT” next-generation sales branch tablet terminal.
With “AGENT” we have completed development for major transactions (account opening, change of address, inheritance acceptance, etc.) and are now undertaking in-house development, focusing on functional improvements and operations with high transaction volume. In June 2023, we implemented a cash card replacement/issuance function.
In February 2023, we began offering advance reservations for inheritance procedures through a TV counter at five branches. We are gradually expanding the operations and working to provide detailed services through the specialist departments at headquarters.

Introduction of Branch Visit Reservation Service

In April 2023, the Bank of Yokohama introduced the “Visit Reservation Service” to all its branches. This service allows customers to reserve a date and time to come in for transactions such as opening an ordinary deposit account, changing personal information and registered seal details, etc. In principle, customers can make such reservations 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, via the Bank of Yokohama website using a smartphone or computer. Customers with reservations are given priority when they visit the branch. Through the introduction of this service, the Bank of Yokohama aims to reduce waiting times when customers visit its branches.

Expansion of non-face-to-face transactions

The Bank of Yokohama has been expanding non-face-to-face transactions focusing on change of address, payment of taxes and various fees, transfers, and account openings, and from March 2023, procedures related to lost/reissued cards and passbooks became available through the application and on the website. In addition, starting in September 2022, we are supporting non-face-to-face customer transactions through our “Hamacierge Online Service,” that allows customers to complete procedures via an app, website, or telephone without going to a counter or ATM. The percentage of non-face-to-face transactions has increased to 37% as of March 31, 2023. We will continue to expand non-face-to-face transactions to enhance customer convenience.

Digital transformation of non-face-to-face services

Providing the smartphone app “Hamagin App”

As contact with customers is shifting from face-to-face to non-face-to-face, the smartphone app “Hamagin App” for personal customers has grown to become the most important channel, and as of March 31, 2023, it is used by 1.09 million Bank of Yokohama customers.
The Bank of Yokohama updated the Hamagin App in April 2023 and provided the smartphone app “Hamagin App” . With Hamagin 365, we will expand non-face-to-face transactions by making all functions available in a single application. At the same time, we will pursue the provision of functions that meet the needs of customers’ lives, such as providing notices to our customers.

Providing “Business Connect” non-face-to-face functionality to corporate customers

Since January 2020, the Bank of Yokohama has been offering Hamagin Business Connect, a membership portal site for corporate customers, as a non-face-to-face service aimed at improving customer convenience, and as of the end of March 31, 2023, we have 39,000 corporate customers using the site.
From November 2022, with the aim of enhancing digital communication with customers, we integrated the login screen for Hamagin Business Support Direct, our Internet banking service, into Hamagin Business Connect and offer a new Free Monthly Plan. The Free Monthly Plan allows one user to use the fund deposit transfer service and inter-account transfer service, which provide immediate transfers (up to ¥3 million per day) and pay taxes and various fees, free from any basic monthly charge.
In December 2022, we also launched a service to post corporate advertisements on Business Connect for the purpose of helping customers increase sales and promote their products and services. The Higashi-Nippon Bank also began offering Higashi-Nippon Business Connect from December 2022.

Promote cashless access in the community

Through its smartphone payment service HamaPay, the Bank of Yokohama joined a new payment infrastructure for high-frequency small-lot payments Cotra Money Transfer from October 2022, and started offering the Cotra Money Transfer Service, a fee-free service for remittances of ¥100,000 or less to personal accounts.
In addition, starting in April 2023, HamaPay began handling Cotra Pay Tax, which allows payment of property tax, automobile tax, and other taxes in “Pay Bills”.

Digital Transformation with Customers and Local Communities

Digitalization support

The Bank of Yokohama is promoting DX within the bank and strengthening its support for digitalization, by improving customer operation efficiency and by complying with legal systems such as invoicing systems and electronic storage requirements under the Act concerning Preservation of Electronic Books.
We understand our customers’ digitalization issues and propose and provide optimal solutions in collaboration with about 50 digital companies, including information sharing with headquarters, in group function collaboration, information processing services, and cloud-based labor and human resource systems. We focus not only on business matching, but also on providing digital consulting services for complex DX-related issues and supporting solutions to management challenges.

Upgrading IT infrastructure

Modernization of accounting systems (shift to open systems and cloud computing)

The Bank of Yokohama and the Higashi-Nippon Bank will switch from their current mainframebased accounting systems to an open platform in January 2024. This initiative is the first in the industry for a jointly used accounting system. The total annual cost reduction for the two banks is expected to be ¥600 million and this will also reduce CO2 emissions.
In addition, we will move forward with shifting our accounting systems to cloud computing by 2031. This initiative is being studied by the Regional Bank Joint Center/MEJAR System Working Group (CMS-WG), which was established in November 2021.

Introduction of the Sales Loan Support System

In January 2024, the Bank of Yokohama and the Higashi-Nippon Bank will introduce the Sales Loan Support System, a nextgeneration SFA/CRM/loan screening system that will enable us to reform our external liaison operations. This system will be used jointly by the five MEJAR banks.
With the introduction of this system, we expect to achieve efficiency gains in many operations. By allocating the time thus saved to liaison activities, we will further refine our efforts to strengthen relationships with customers.

Cloud computing for the entire system

In anticipation of the future shift of our accounting systems to cloud computing, we are sequentially shifting to cloud computing starting with systems that are farther away from accounting systems.
As of March 31, 2023, 28% of our major systems have been moved to the cloud.

Structure for Realization of Digital Strategy

Strategic Investment Control

To achieve our digital strategy and to deal with increasingly sophisticated cybersecurity risks, we will allocate management resources to strategic investments (*1) and security investments (*2) in a focused manner. As of March 31, 2023, we had allocated 24% to strategic investments and 3% to security investments, and will continue to focus on these allocations.
On the other hand, the cost of the existing systems must be significantly reduced. We will establish a Productivity Improvement Committee at Higashi-Nippon Bank and use the System Strategy Liaison Meeting that we host and control the investments of both banks. We will also actively promote cost sharing through alliance expansion.

  • (※1)
    Investments related to IT and digital are classified into three areas: transformation, growth, and operations. Investments classified as transformation or growth are defined as strategic investments.
  • (※2)
    Defined as investments in measures related to cybersecurity.
Organization and Human Resources

In order to improve IT literacy at the Bank of Yokohama and to strengthen specialist human resources, we define human resource images and expected roles for each training system and promote planned recruitment and training. In addition, we set targets for the number of persons to be trained in each training system. In October 2022, we launched DX Academy, a digital human resources development program to foster human resources to promote IT and digital. As of March 31, 2023, we had produced 24 successful applicants.
The Bank of Yokohama and Higashi-Nippon Bank will continue to further develop human resources specializing in IT and digital.